If you often feel the frequent urge to pass urine, you may be affected with diabetes.
The increase in the sugar level in turn increases the osomolality of the liquids in the blood. They give additional pressure to the kidneys increasing the production of urine. This induces the frequent tendency to pass urine.
Diabetics also feel thirsty all the time.
Generally, these 2 symptoms – the tendency to pass urine often and the persistent thirst – can almost certainly be counted as the presence of diabetes.
The excess glucose releases more liquid from the diabetic’s blood and tissues. This may lead to reduction in eyesight. It affects th ability to focus on a particular object. Sometimes, one may lose the eyesight as well!
The increase in sugar level in the blood also affects the nervous system severely. If diabetic has not been detected in the early stages, it leads to some tingling sensation in the hands or even makes the hands numb. Slits & gashes on the skin tend get cured very slowly. This slowness is also a symptom of diabetes.
Diabetes affects the gums, jaw-bones deterioration and then affect the teeth as well creating various frequent problems.It creates ulcerous wounds inside the mouth.
If a person suffers from teeth-related [problems even before getting diabetic, the onset of diabetes will further aggravate these problems.