Research has shown that sitting for even a small time - even half an hour - is detrimental to health. A sedentary lifestyle leads to obesity which risks the body to cancer and cardiovascular disease. Many of you have desk jobs and end up sitting for most of your time, either at your desk or at meetings. One of the best solutions for that is the standing desk.
So why is a standing desk recommended? For one, you will be able to combat obesity. Research has shown that by standing for at least two hours a day, you can decrease the risk of obesity and weight gain. If you are already overweight, you will be able to burn more calories by standing up. You will also be able to increase lean muscle mass and improve your resting metabolism.
Sitting for a long time at a stretch without standing up or engaging in physical activity has a detrimental effect on the body. These effects include poor circulation, inflammation, decreased metabolism and dysfunction of the lining of the blood vessels called endothelial dysfunction. Researchers have found that sedentary time during the day increases coronary artery calcification. This is the increase of calcium in the coronary arteries, which results in atherosclerosis which is the increase of arterial plaque.
Sitting at a desk and staring at the computer spoils your posture. Many people complain of musculoskeletal pain on the neck and shoulder. By sitting, you also risk losing musculature and similar biological mechanisms. These mechanisms help you stand straight, maintain balance and coordination.
For all these reasons, it is advised strongly to invest in a standing desk at work.