Kumari Palany & Co

Drink 3 litres of water every day, but why?

Posted on: 11/Sep/2015 6:10:20 PM
We should never control our urge to urinate or defecate. One should pass urine once in every four hours and defecate once in the morning and evening. About 3 litres of water should be consumed per day. This may be reduced to 2 litres during winter. And it is important to make sure that you don`t drink water in between while having food. Drink lesser water immediately after eating and drink as much as you require after one hour of your meal.
Do not opt for snacks, especially packaged ones. Snacks that contain preservatives should be completely rejected from your eat-list! These practices stand behind as the primitive reason for gaining body weight. Women who are conceived and breastfeeding mothers should never touch packaged snack!
You may consume very minimal quantity of snacks that are homemade. You should ensure that these homemade snacks contain very less salt in them. There are people who often drink water while eating. This practice need to be avoided. The digestive glands begin their secretion right when you start eating. When you drink water while eating, it will affect proper digestion.
When you unavoidably require water, you may consume the required amount. At all other times, consume very less quantity of water. The minimum consumption of water per day should be at least 3 litres. This will largely help in maintaining good health. Keep in mind that the wellbeing of our body is contained mainly in the water we consume. One third of our body is comprised of water! It is water that transports oxygen to each of our body cells. It also helps maintain the body temperature. If enough water is not consumed, it may cause trouble to the kidney. It will also affect the entire body and cause wear and tear of knee and give rise to constipation as well. Water also plays a vital role in proper functioning of brain.