Kumari Palany & Co

How to remove a tattoo

Posted on: 22/Oct/2015 11:17:28 AM
Have a tattoo that you wish to remove? Here are a couple of ways you could do that. 

The most popular method is laser treatment. This can take two - four sessions depending on the size of the tattoo. The larger the tattoo the longer it will take - maybe even 10 sittings. Since there is no surgery and, therefore, no blood involved, it is the most preferred method. During the procedure, laser light breaks up the pigment molecules. In effect, it decolourises the pigments. The procedure is done without anaesthesia and the feeling is described as a rubber band being twanged against your skin. 

Tattoos can be removed through surgery as well. A scalpel is used to remove the tattoo and then the area is stitched up. However, this method is preferred for small tattoos only. The side effects of a surgical procedure are minimal. This may include discolouration of the area, possible infection if not looked after properly after the surgery and a raised scar that may be caused by the stitches.