Kumari Palany & Co

Protein Helps Improve Memory, Brain, claims a new study

Posted on: 22/Oct/2015 11:36:40 AM
According to researchers including those of Indian origin, learning and memory in mice can be bettered by surging a cholesterol-binding membrane protein in nerve cells of their brain.

This is a novel approach to treating neurodegenerative disease and highlights the importance of brain cholesterol, said authors and professors involved in the study.

By bringing back protein, the cell membrane are restored with the cholesterol which plays a vital role in the formation of new synaptic contacts, said, a senior author Brain Head.
Select membrane protein called caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is the primitive focus in this study. This widens the understanding of neuroplasticity (ability of neural pathways to grow responding to the stimuli).

Hippocampus is a region of brain where the Cav-1 is directly delivered. It is this part of the brain which takes part in the formation of contextual memories.