Kumari Palany & Co

Hefty Problem with Indians!

Posted on: 26/Oct/2015 4:58:37 PM
Indians are multiplying, not just in population, but in our weight as well. Nearly 7 percent of Indians are obese, say reports. Owing to reasons such as pregnancy stress and childbirth, pregnant women are at double the risk of turning obese. Adding fuel to the fire is sedentary lifestyle, changing food habits, among others that contribute to increasing reasons of obesity in the country.
According to the survey conducted by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the highest in the obesity rate are the states including Punjab, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Telagana.
The obesity range is anywhere between 37.5 percent to 23 percent in female, and 30 percent to 18 percent in male in these states, say official estimates.
Obesity - an alarming issue:
Consumption of unhealthy, processed food has largely increased. This naturally has surged the calorie consumed and energy rich food which accumulates as fat leading to abdominal obesity. The fat content surrounds the internal organs and not just below the skin. Hence, this has a large negative impact on health. All these reasons contribute to the likeliness of type-2 diabetes, metabolic dysfunction and also vascular problems.
Dr K.S. Lakshmi, a senior consultant, metabolic surgery, Global Hospitals said uncontrolled sugar level and hypertension are the reasons for most women to step into hospitals. Obesity in our body develops resistance to insulin (a hormone that stands responsible in controlling blood sugar). This in turn increases blood sugar level and eventually the risk of diabetes.
Obesity also increases the hardness of arteries which is a condition that is found 10 times more with obese people. The risk of heart attack and chest pain increases due to narrowing of arteries and reduced blood flow. This may even end up in a stroke. Excessive weight should certainly be met and reduced through effective lifestyle management or surgery.
No use of diet and exercise if BMI is above 35:
Conventionally practiced steps like dieting or exercising will not be effective in individuals who have got BMI above 35. They are found only taxing and doesn’t give desired end result.
Speaking about this, Dr T.L.V.D. Prasad Babu, senior surgical gastroenterologist and bariatric surgeon, Yashoda Hospitals says those with BMI above 35 tend to undergo hormonal changes which gives rise to joint pain, arthritis and other complications that do not allow them perform heavy exercises. People with such BMI levels get their weight reduced by 10 kg, but bounce back with a weight gain of about 15 kg. Furthermore, dieting practice is a certain failure as they get their hunger pangs increased which let them yearn for food all the time.
For those who are morbidly obese, scientific methods like bariatric surgery is found to be a good intervention. This brings forth a hormonal change that sends signals to the brain that the food had is sufficient.
Surgical intervention is the only known method so far, and there is no drug that can help with excess fat, say researchers.