There are many reasons why abortion occurs. The most prominent reason is the pregnant woman`s physical condition/ health and her weakness/inability to carry the burden of a child.
However, expert maternity specialist doctors have listed some major reasons:
· If the growth of the child in the womb is not proper, there are more chances for abortion to occur. If is child in the womb is not situated or located properly in the womb, or if the mouth of the womb is open, abortion may occur.
· It is really essential to consult a medical expert to cure these kinds of problems. If the growth of the child in the womb is not proper, abortion will occur automatically.
· Abortion may occur in case of twin-wombs.
· If there are fibroid polyps appear in the womb, abortion may occur.
· Even attacks from infectious diseases may lead to abortion.
The significance of nutritious food
It is very essential to follow a practice of taking a diet of nutritiously rich and healthy food.
People with complaints of high-blood pressure and diabetes will have to keep them under check.
It is advisable to keep away from diseases. If a person gets sick even after such precautions, it is better to consult a doctor and take his prescription. Never go for self-treatment by taking medicines of your own choice!
Especially, pregnant women should follow this practice of nutritious diet and thereby totally prevent possibility of abortion.