Kumari Palany & Co

Foods that help during training

Posted on: 05/Nov/2015 10:17:35 AM
Before intense physical training for any sport or activity, it is important to fill your body up with the necessary nutrients. This will enable the body to perform the best at all times. Here are a few foods that experts recommend before training. Make sure to eat your meal well in advance so as to avoid cramping. 

One of the easiest foods to make and digest are fruit smoothies. These are full of  carbohydrates and high quality proteins. To make a smoothie, take half cup of yogurt, half cup of the fruit of your choice and some natural orange juice. Just mix them all together in the blender. 

Rolled oats are rich in fibre. This fibre helps gradually release carbohydrates into the body. Oats also contain Vitamin B which enables the carbohydrates to convert into the necessary energy. 

Bananas are another food that helps during training. These fruits are rich in potassium and carbohydrates, which are easily digestible. The potassium is good for nerves and muscles. 

Peanut butter has carbohydrates along with healthy fats necessary for the system. Not only does this delicious food give energy, it decreases the risk of diabetes and heart conditions. 

Before training, make sure to avoid fatty foods and foods that contain simple carbohydrates. Also, control the portions you eat before training.