Headaches are generally caused by excess tension, severe hunger, dryness or absence of sufficient water in our body. Sometimes, headaches are also caused by taking a few food items. A research established that the chemical component Capsycin contained in red chillies can induce headaches.
If you have a headache, avoid food items containing red chillies. Citrus fruits like kiwi, orange, and lemon contain thyamiane & histamine. These components can cause headaches. So, for persons who suffer from headaches quite often, it is better to avoid these fruits.
Coffee provides refreshing effect and keeps you more alert. However, it you tend to have a high intake of coffee, the caffeine contained in coffee will cause sleeplessness.
Most of us love ice-cream and grab them. However, not many of us are aware that ice creams can induce headaches. Since it is very chilled, ice cream induces headaches. Many researches have also established this fact.