Kumari Palany & Co

Why people are addicted to alcohol

Posted on: 29/Apr/2016 2:45:15 PM
Drinking alcohol has created serious consequences throughout the world. Scientists throughout the world are conducting various researches to retrieve the addicted people. The reason for the addiction was found by the research done in the North Carolina University in America. The reason for this is two brain areas  have been identified as a functional circuit, connected by long projection neurons that produce a substance called corticotropin releasing factor. It has been found out that if this release is controlled, the drinking habit can be controlled.
Todd Thiele who is researching this has mentioned that they have found out that two brain areas  have been identified as a functional circuit, connected by long projection neurons that produce a substance called corticotropin releasing factor. By controlling this area, we can control drinking. The conclusion may shed light on future pharmacological treatments that may help individuals curb overindulge drinking and may also help prevent individuals from transitioning to alcohol dependence.