Kumari Palany & Co

Problems created by Broiler Chicken

Posted on: 06/May/2016 3:11:49 PM
Broiler chickens are raised for 40 days and then brought to the market. In the poultry, 12 varieties of chemicals are given along with food when feeding the chicken.

An excess of antibiotics is given to the chicken in order to prevent them from getting sick. Thus, proper treatment is not given to the affected chicken. A recent research conducted by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has established that people who take this chicken are having symptoms of diseases.

In order for the chicken to grow fleshy, (a variety of) medicines are injected on the chicken.When a male takes this chicken, the cells in his sperm get destroyed.The girls attain puberty at the early age of 10 or 11. Also, the flesh of the broiler chicken contains a lot of harmful fat. When we eat this, this harmful fat gets accumulated in our bodies.

The harmful fat causes swelling of the liver and high blood pressure. 

Every 65 of 1000 persons are affected with liver disease caused by harmful fat.

It is learnt that liver and intestinal cancers are caused by eating broiler chicken.

Most of us relish eating the leg piece. The US food companies also prominently present the leg piece. However, the leg part contains a lot of cholesterol. However, cholesterol content is less in the breast part. This is why the Americans do not eat the leg pieces. As they are aware of the bad effects of the leg piece, the Americans consider it as a waste to be rejected.

The large food companies have tended to project the leg pieces and have been successful in making most of us obsessed about it. Th moment we think about chicken, only the leg piece appears first in our vision. 

However, remember that this leg piece will soon lead to high blood pressure.