Kumari Palany & Co

Sleep disorders lead to other health issues

Posted on: 21/Sep/2016 8:46:44 PM
The American Heart Association, or the AHA, has said that sleep irregularities may be tied to a variety of health problems, such as diabetes and obesity. The AHA has performed studies on the effect of sleep disorders on health.

According to the researchers who conducted this study, We do not know the optimal amount of sleep needed to minimize the risk of heart disease, but people who get less than seven hours a night or more than nine hours may be more at risk than their peers who fall somewhere in the middle of that range. There is certainly a vicious cycle that may be going on with sleep and chronic diseases. Bad sleep can increase the risk of obesity which then increases the risk of sleep disorders.

In a statement, the AHA said, Sleep issues are tied to two other health problems: diabetes and obesity. Some studies have found sleep can influence what people eat and impact their risk of obesity, for example. But more research is needed to see how sleep influences weight over long periods of time.

Experts say, The problem is that chronic diseases, like cardiovascular disease, develop gradually. So it’s possible that someone could be on the path toward hypertension or heart disease and not know it because it’s early in the process. My suggestion for patients is if they don’t feel they are sleeping well, they should raise the issue with their doctor themselves; don’t wait for your doctor to ask you about your sleep. Heart disease is only one way things can go wrong, and poor or too short sleep can send people into a spiral. Sleeping too short and even more important - sleeping outside the time provided by the body clock - can support metabolic diseases and weight gain, which can lead to more creating difficulties, which lead to bad sleep sending you back into the loop.