Kumari Palany & Co

Eggs can increase child growth and prevent stunting, study

Posted on: 08/Jun/2017 3:42:21 PM
Moms out there, you should know the claim of a recent study. It states that eating egg every day can significantly increase your child’s growth and prevent stunting in them.
Eggs can bring down growth stunting in children. Egg is an excellent source of rich nutrients that promotes growth and development of children, said a leading researcher of the study from the US.
This study involved giving one egg per day for about 6 months, or no egg at all to children aging between 6 and 9 months. According to researchers, eggs helped in increasing score of standardized length of age and weight for age.
There was 47 percent reduced prevalence of stunting and 74 percent in underweight, said researchers.
All the children involved in the study were given high dietary intake of eggs, and made not to eat any sugar-sweetened foods as compared to other control groups.
The effectiveness of the intervention was surprising. As compared to the global average of 0.39, the size of the effect was 0.63.
Eggs form a complete food that comes in safe packaging. This is easily accessible for all resource-poor population as compared to other kinds of complementary foods or fortified foods.
The allergic reactions produced by egg consumption were carefully studied. However, there had been no such incident observed. Egg proves to be a viable and advised nutrition source for kids in developing nations. The results of the study ware published in the journal Pediatrics.