Kumari Palany & Co

Prevention and cure for dengue

Posted on: 06/Oct/2017 5:48:48 PM
Dengue is one of the many diseases that are spread through mosquitoes and mosquito bites. However, dengue is much more harmful than many other diseases caused by mosquito bite. So, it is important to repel the mosquitoes away. There are some methods to the repelling of mosquitoes as well as some concoctions which can be prepared easily and taken. Here are a few tips:
  • Take some quantity of korai kizhangu, curry leaves, ginger powder, Boil this mixture in a glass of water. Filter, mix with a spoon of honey. The fever and the associated body ache will disappear.
  • Take a few leaves of malai vembu (Mountain neem tree). Grind them with a little quantity of water. Filter and take around 10 ml thrice a day. This will strengthen the body resistance to the attack of dengue.
  • As orange fruit helps in digestion system and the urinal system, taking orange will help recover from dengue quite fast.
  • Take wheat grass or barley grass. Grind it to a fine paste with water. Filter and take regularly. This will cure dengue.
  • Another suggestion is to make a juice out of a few carrots and cucumbers and taking it regularly. This will also cure dengue.
  • The decoction made from nilavembu is well-known to cure dengue. It will also increase the body resistance to dengue fever. This nilavembu powder, available in all government hospitals and in Indian medicine shops, has the ingredients - nilavembu, vettiver, vilamichai ver, sandal, Peippudal, parpadagam, dried ginger, pepper, and korai kizhangu. Take 5-10 grams of nilavembu powder, mix it in a glass of water (200 ml). Boil till the volume reduces, filter and then take regularly.
  • Take a few leaves of the papaya tree. Remove the end stem. Grind with water, filter and take around 10 ml daily 4 times. This will also cure dengue fever.
  • Take a handful of curry leaves, 10 peppers, a spoon of cumin seeds, a small piece of ginger. Grind to a nice paste with warm water. Filter and take 3 times a day - morning, noon, and night.
  • Take a handful of scotch grass. Pour a glass of water. Transfer to a vessel and boil. Filter and add panam kalkandu or honey and take this concoction twice a day. 50-100 ml in the morning and evening. Dengue will be cured.
  • Cut small onion and mix it presses form of jaggery and chew thoroughly. This will increase the body resistance to fever and also helps the increase in the number of red corpuscles in the blood. It is advisable to take it at regular intervals.
  • As the mosquitoes cause dengue fever, there is a method to prevent mosquito bite – apply coconut oil from foreleg to the foot.
  • Take 3 young and fresh leaves of the guava tree. Drop them in a glass of water. Filter and add panam kalkandu. This will help prevent the attack of dengue fever.
  • The mosquitoes can be repelled by burning the leaves of the neem tree and nochi tree and spreading the smoke.