Kumari Palany & Co

Eating Papad daily may harm health

Posted on: 12/Dec/2017 5:48:08 PM
In the South Indian style of eating, especially the lunch session will not be deemed complete without papad. Most of us have the habit of preferring to take sambar rice or rasam rice with papad.

Certainly, papad enhances the food flavour and taste. However, it may surprise you to know that taking papad will be harmful to health. Papad contains an extra dose of salt – it is a routine in the Indian cuisine to add masala and salt to most dishes.

However, taking extra salt and masala spices in the food is not good. Especially, the daily quantum of salt taken should not exceed the recommended amount. The prospects of adding salt in excess and thus dissolving it in the blood may lead to blood pressure, nausea, and diabetes.

It is extremely harmful to take increase quantum of salt and masala simultaneously. This may lead to acidity and digestion system problems.

Eating an excess of papads may also lead to constipation. It may affect the food route from the stomach to the liver and leads to gastric problems and constipation.

It is advisable for the senior citizens and diabetics to avoid taking papads. Further, it is better for persons of over 30 years of age to reduce/avoid papads.

It is quite natural for the children to like and prefer papads as they are crispy. However, it may be noted that if they start eating excess papads from the young age, they may be affected by salt-related diseases when they get old.