Kumari Palany & Co

Snake Diet, a Fasting solution to lose weight and get healthy

Posted on: 24/Apr/2018 12:37:39 PM
The outburst of health issues all around the world is the result of poor diet model originated in the western nations that spread eventually across the world. Poor experimentation and research lead to some worst conclusions about fat and carbohydrate intake among humans. Fat was once considered to be very unhealthy for human body and it was projected as a leading factor of producing chronic diseases like Cancer and Heart diseases.

Traditional Method vs New Method

The traditional methods of dieting and weight loss concepts are slowly getting outdated as the result of total collapse of health and nominal weight maintenance of people all around the world. Abnormal weight and health issues became common factors of daily activities in the people’s life.

Now many alternate foundations and latest research broke the stereotype of calling fats as an enemy. New approaches base their entire diet system on fats alone, like Paleo diet which constitutes of High Fat and Low Carbohydrate method. Carbohydrates in the form of wheat, bread and other grains were considered to be the main component of diet hierarchy. Now it is found that the high carbohydrate low fat style was the biggest scam the West ever pulled off successfully leading people into an unhealthy lifestyle.

The main culprits were actually refined sugar and over consumption of carbs actually degraded the health of people. So most of the modern diets are based on high fat and fasting models of food approaches for regaining the lost health and ideal weight.

Fasting Methods

Low carb and fasting diets are mostly considered as abnormal fad diets and one can easily guess the big Industrial interventions diverting people to attend the new dieting methods. Even though these fasting methods are hyped very much recently, it is actually the most traditional and historical methods of eating food. Our forefathers from the origin of mankind didn’t have any opportunity to store food for later use. Once there is an abundance in fruits and vegetable, hunting animals and other eatable greens they consume it freely without any limitations. Then they will go into the phase of fasting where there will be no food till they find next source of food.

New studies found out that fasting can cure many health ailments like Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation, Hormonal Imbalances, Indigestion, Engaging Detoxification, Heart issues and even increases Longevity.

So the modern fasting approaches are the actual way of food consumption and is still followed in many Muslim traditions and eastern lifestyles that include South Indian and Chinese cultures.

There are several fasting methods to search for effective weight reduction results. Intermittent fasting includes diet patterns oriented with 24 hour clock. One can eat between 8 to 10 hours on a day and then fast for 14 to 16 hours without consuming anything.

Eat Stop Eat is the method of fasting for twenty four hours for every week. Warrior diet allows eating only on a 4 hour eating window on a given day and then followed by 20 hours of fasting. This can be attempted only after following easy levels of fasting initially.

Prolonged fasting methods (Water and dry fasting for more than 3 days) done under a a professional supervision of experts proved stunning results and in some cases of even curing Cancer.

Snake Diet

Among these fating approaches the new trend is the Snake diet introduced by Cole Robinson from Canada. The name itself insist the method by which this fasting method adopts. Eating a satisfied meal and then followed by a prolonged fasting of 2 days. His series of methods are explained on three levels.

Phase One

In Cole Robison’s approach there will be a 48 hour fast without any high physical activities. This is the method followed in phase one. Unlike water fasting Cole Robinson introduces the mineral intake during the fasting hours that includes sea salt and potassium chloride. He suggests this kind of mineral intake for reducing the sugar addiction and induce fat burning.

Phase Two

Dry fasting on flexible timings where all kinds of solid and liquid consumption will be restricted. This will regenerate the cells and acts as an effective detox agent to remove excess waste and fat inside the body.

Phase Three

This phase is more or less a reset phase that formulates the body to the original natural state. After completing the initial phases one should eat only when the nature produces the feeling of hunger. Hunger and Thirst are the nature’s wonderful gift that was forgotten almost in the recent modern era. Most of diseases will vanish if one follows the pattern of hunger and thirst to eat food and drink water only when the sensation occurs. It will retain the weight in the same scale throughout the life.


Most of the time the fasting methods will receive negative feedbacks from many sources that promote diet supplements and weight reducing medications. Some people thinks fasting methods are dangerous as the result of prolonged exposure to over consumption of food for every two hours. Many studies proves that three meals a day is the most ridiculous form of eating habit and it is the root cause for all illness. So following the nature is to regain the lost health. For those who cannot attempt the fasting methods, eating and drinking only when the nature asks will provide you the best results in terms of gaining health and maintaining a balanced body weight.