Kumari Palany & Co

Please do not ignore these silent signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis in us

Posted on: 17/Aug/2018 9:26:48 AM
There are veins that are present deeper inside our legs. Deep vein thrombosis or DVT affects these veins that are located deeper in our legs and blood clot develops in one or more deep veins present in our legs or in other body parts etc. Persons affected with this issue show symptoms like pain, swelling, redness etc in them.

There are also possibilities of getting affected by this DVT when we have other diseases which make us prone to blood clots. Persons who are obese or those with high cholesterol or having diabetes get affected by this DVT issue. It is important to note that the blood clots in the legs could dislodge themselves and travel through the bloodstream and could get into other vital organs such as heart, lungs etc.

Reasons for DVT in us:

There are few reasons for this deep vein thrombosis in us and they are hereditary blood related diseases, prolonged bed rest, injury to deep veins of our body, triggering blood clots by taking birth control pills etc. This issue could also be due to smoking, being obese and age etc.

These silent signs of DVT are very important and must not be ignored casually.


This is one important silent sign of DVT issue in us. Sometimes we might not have worked out or injured our legs but we might experience frequent cramps in our legs. Then be careful as it might be due to DVT.


Certain parts of our leg have reddish coloured or bluish-purple hue and this might be present in the legs for long time. Accumulation of blood in the clots is responsible for this and it is another silent signs of DVT.

Warm sensation:

Accumulation of excess blood in the clots takes place in certain parts of the leg. This results in one or more parts of the leg being warmer than the other. This is sign of deep vein thrombosis problem.

Pain in the calf muscles:

We get pain in our calf muscles even without doing any tough work and we usually feel that this is due to calcium deficiency or due to osteoporosis etc. This pain might also be due to this DVT issue.


There are times when we might not have got any injury or infection in us but there would be mild swelling in some parts of our legs. This is a silent sign of deep vein thrombosis and we must get checked soon.

Unbearable pain in ankle or foot:

Sometimes we experience severe pain in our ankle or foot. We should not take this lightly as this pain could also be due to DVT triggered by blood clot.

Shortness of breath:

If the blood clot formed by this issue in the lower parts of our body has travelled to the lungs then pulmonary embolism results. This pulmonary embolism is present more in those who have DVT. It is said that when a person experiences shortness of breath frequently then the person must be checked for both DVT as well for pulmonary embolism.