Kumari Palany & Co

Know the massive benefits of citrus fruits

Posted on: 20/Oct/2018 3:22:02 PM
As compared to the other fruits, the citrus ones such as orange, lemons, grapes, etc. are said to hold a lot more health benefits on the human body.

A recent story published by nutritionists and health experts states that citrus fruits aid in longer life and stronger, younger life.

There is a book called ‘Eat better, Live Longer’ which states that one should consume at least one citrus fruit in a day.

What do citrus fruits contain? They are rich source of antioxidant polyphenols and vitamin C. They keep our cells away from the possible damaging effects caused by free radicals.

Vitamin C largely cuts down on the cholesterol level in our body by encouraging conversion of cholesterol into bile juice. In general, the antioxidant property of citrus fruits also hinder the LDL circulation in our body which is the circulation of bad cholesterol, and hence subsides the level of cholesterol in our overall body system. On the other hand, when the LDL circulates in our body, it will layer up on the arteries. By resisting their circulation, the LDL is returned to the liver and recycled.

Furthermore, Vitamin C is water soluble and hence required for regular growth and development. The advantage of water soluble vitamins is that the excessive vitamins gets excreted via urine.

Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, blocks free radicals from causing damage. It is believed to also control the process of ageing.

So, we have a few more reasons for you to take regular citrus fruit intake

Skin-friendly - In general, there are 3 antioxidants that can bring down damage on your skin. They are Vitamin E, C and Selenium. The Selenium can be obtained through nuts from Brazil, fishes, especially tuna, and meats. Vitamin E is often sourced out of nuts and seeds and vegetable oils. And Vitamin C helps in getting your skin tissues repaired and aids in keeping the skin smooth.

According to a recent study, Vitamin C promotes collagen synthesis. It is ideal for rejuvenation therapy.

Heart-healthy - Back in 2015, a Danish scientist had performed a research involving over 1,00,000 Danish people, studying their diet practices. The study found that participants who had a lot of fruits and vegetables had lesser risk of cardiovascular diseases of the range 15 percent as compared to others who never had them. There was also 20 percent lesser risk of early death caused due to different reasons. In those who had substantially high level of Vitamin C, the risk of heart disease and early death were lesser.

Fight LDL cholesterol – there is very rich antioxidant properties in Vitamin C. Hence, it helps in keeping the LDL level low. In fact, there were many trials performed with Vitamin C in the year 1970-2007. The participants with high levels of cholesterol were made to take Vitamin C supplements for a time period of 3 to 24 weeks. In just 4 weeks period, those who had at least 500mg/d of vitamin C were able to achieve notable results in reducing LDL cholesterol level and the concentration of triglyceride concentration.

Fights cancer – cancer patients can be directly injected with Vitamin C. It will be very helpful in fighting cancer.

There are a lot of other studies s on citrus fruits that unanimously claim that they can help us in fighting many diseases including arthritis, heart ailments, cataract diabetes, cancer, etc.