Kumari Palany & Co

Do you Google your symptoms? If yes, check this out

Posted on: 24/Oct/2018 3:16:21 PM
So, answer this - if you feel sick on one fine day, what will be the very first thing you will do. Will you have the patience to wait for the symptom and see if it is getting even more visible or will you be taking precautionary measures right away? Well, a lot of people seek the google right after the very first symptom.

Often times, when you google your symptoms or seek the help of internet in general, your symptom will be directed straight to something more sinister. Say, for example, you have got headache. So, when you google it, there are going to be more than 20 results that lead to scarier conditions that what you actually have got. Your headache may even be diagnosed to be a tumor and even your fatigue feeling may be projected as a symptom of severe disease such as cancer!

Apart from incorrect diagnosis, when you diagnose your symptoms all by yourself, Google can even lead that to a dangerous, life-threatening disease. Ultimately, what we advise you is that rather than seeking the help of medical websites over the internet, you may wait for the disease to let go off you or seek the help of a medical practitioner.

Remember these tips whenever you suffer any symptom

Medical practitioners are experienced enough to treat you

Always have in mind before making a comprehensive self-diagnosis that medical studies is not as simple as that! When you seek a doctor, he could thoroughly examine your body, and the underlying symptom. This is incomparable with the standard threatening results that you often end up Googling.

At the end of the day, you are going to get anxious

There is a term called cyberchondria which is your nature to diagnose all the symptoms and medical conditions that you go through by surfing about it online, and ultimately resulting in anxiety.

So, at last, whatever is the symptom that you surf for, it will be directly linked with any tumor or cancer which is very weird. You may also feel sick than what your body is really going through.

There is no authenticity of publisher

There is no guarantee about the credibility of information available online. While you assume that a specific source is authentic, it may even direct you to bogus sites that give you fake information.

The verdict

Ultimately, there is no way by which you can really replace a professional help. If you do so, it means you are forcing yourself to anxiety and improper diagnosis which leads to various other troubles. The internet has a lot of invalid, obsolete and fake information all of which are mere data and not legitimate.

Yes, of course, you will get tempted to surf your problems and symptoms on Google. But you need to remember that there are a lot of fake information and false information which are totally worth only garbage. Seek your doctor and get advice rather than being dependent on your own self or the google.