Kumari Palany & Co

Want to have more muscle strength then try these?

Posted on: 12/Dec/2018 2:43:33 PM
Some of us would be interested to build lean muscles or to increase the muscle strength isn’t it!! It is said that proper nutrition as well as physical activity is needed to build lean muscle. Proteins must be consumed without fail for getting more muscle strength. Proteins play amazing roles such as building muscle, repairing tissues plus in losing weight etc. Intake of high protein foods would be highly beneficial to develop lean muscles in us.

These are the best proteins that we must consume for our muscle strength to increase.

Intake of eggs:

Many of us eat eggs and eggs are rich in high quality protein, essential amino acids, healthy- fats plus in many vitamins and choline etc. It is said that proteins are made up of amino acids and these are essential for muscle strength in us. Hence the Intake of eggs is very important.

Intake of chicken:

Any person who wants to gain more muscle strength must consume chicken. The high quality proteins plus vitamins in chicken helps our body to function properly during a physical activity.

Intake of Greek yoghurt:

This dairy product is rich in both calcium and protein is known. Not many of us know that this yoghurt is a mixture of both fast digesting whey protein as well as slow digesting casein protein. By having yoghurt as evening snacks or by adding to smoothies, yoghurt could be consumed by us.

Intake of cottage cheese:

It must be noted that cottage cheese is a fresh cheese curd product and it must be consumed by us to increase our muscle strength. The muscle building amino acid called leucine present in cottage cheese does superbly in building strong muscles in us.

Intake of milk:

The presence of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the milk make milk very important for us. Like other dairy product, milk also has got both fast and slow digesting proteins that is very much needed for the strong muscles.

Intake of beans:

Proteins are present in high amounts in black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans etc. These beans also have fibres, vitamin B plus other minerals like iron, magnesium and phosphorus etc in them. So intake of beans is a must and it helps in increasing the muscle strength.

Intake of chickpeas or Bengal gram:

Belonging to family Fabaceae, chickpeas are annual legumes and are also called by the name Bengal Gram. The presence of carbohydrates and proteins in chickpeas makes them a fantastic food to increase the muscle strength in us.

Intake of tofu:

Being a traditional component in many East Asian and Southeast Asian countries, tofu has got low calorie count and lots of proteins in them. There are also minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium in tofu. Therefore consuming tofu is essential for those who want to increase their muscle strength.

Intake of nuts:

Few examples of nuts such as almonds and cashews have got high amounts of proteins, fibre and fats in them. These nuts could be consumed by us inin the evening or could be taken by adding to smoothies etc.

Intake of lentils:

Lentils have got their names due to lens shaped seeds in them and are edible legumes. These lentils are rich in carbohydrates, proteins plus in fibre, fats etc. When taken in combination with rice, lentils are simply superb in increasing the muscular mass in us.