Kumari Palany & Co

Health benefits of intake of Coccinia or kovakkai

Posted on: 19/Dec/2018 10:47:50 AM
Kovakkai or coccinia is a highly common vegetable and many of us would have eaten this vegetable in our lives. Kovakkai is also called as tindora or ivy gourd. Seen mostly growing in tropical climates, kovakkai or coccinia is given importance for its edible shoots and fruits. It is superb to note that this kovakkai or coccinia is a part of local cuisine in the state of Kerala. Coccinia or kovakkai has got fibres plus calcium, iron and vitamins like B1, B2 and B6 etc. So intake of coccinia or ivy gourd is important for us.

These are the various health benefits we get by intake of coccinia

Treats diabetes issue:

Intake of coccinia or kovakkai could improve the glucose tolerance in us. This would help in lowering the blood sugar levels in us. The studies have shown that coccinia or tindora or kovakkai is the best vegetable for type-2 diabetes.

Obesity is prevented:

It is worthy to note that obesity is more than just gaining weight and it is a condition where the body is unable to maintain the metabolism in a normal way. The presence of anti-adipogenic agents in kovakkai or tindora or coccinia has got anti-obesity property and this would help in the body metabolism and prevents obesity in us.

Cures fatigue:

It is known that deficiency of iron could lead to fatigue in us. Intake of foods rich in iron could help us in treating fatigue effectively. Iron present in coccinia or kovakkai could help us in curing our fatigue by producing red blood cells in us.

Good for nervous system:

Health of nervous system is very important to avoid issues like Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy etc. The presence of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 in this coccinia or kovakkai could keep the nervous system healthy.

Good for digestion:

For our digestive system to perform its function efficiently, fibres are very essential. The kovakkai or coccinia has got fibres and they help us in the proper movement of bowels. Our metabolism is supported to optimise the nutrient absorption process.

Prevents the accumulation of kidney stones:

Coccinia or ivy gourd or tindora is rich in calcium and this calcium could help in preventing the accumulation of kidney stones in us. So this vegetable must be consumed by us.

Depression gets treated:

People suffer from depression issues due to several reasons is known. The superb news is intake of tindore or coccinia could treat the symptoms of depression. The presence of riboflavin and niacin in this vegetable could improve the mood and reduce the symptoms of depression.

Bone health promoted:

This vegetable is superb for our bone health due to the presence of calcium and iron in it. Hence it is recommended by the doctors.