Kumari Palany & Co

Be careful about these health issues of consuming lemons

Posted on: 30/Dec/2018 10:16:03 AM
It is important to note that the lemon belongs to the family “Rutaceae’ and genus ‘Citrus’ and is found in south Asia. The fruit is yellowish in colour and is ellipsoidal in shape and is used for both culinary as well as for non-culinary purpose is well known. Intake of lemon could provide us many health benefits like improving skin quality, promoting hydration, providing good immunity, preventing digestive issues, preventing kidney stones etc. We consume lemon in the form of juice also. Many of us are not aware that intake of lemon could also lead to many health issues in us.  .

These are some health issues caused by consuming lemons

Teeth erosion:

This is one important side effect of intake of lemons. The studies have shown that drinking lemon juice could cause teeth erosion. The acidic nature of lemon causes our tooth enamels to corrode when too much of lemon is consumed.

Canker sores get worsened:

Not many know that intake of lemon could actually worsen the canker sores present in the mouth. It is believed that the presence of citric acid in lemon is responsible for worsening of sores inside our mouths.

Aggravate heartburns and ulcers in us:

The shocking piece of information is intake of lemons could trigger or aggravate heartburns in us. This is due to activation of enzyme pepsin that is responsible for the breakdown of proteins. Heartburns takes place in us as the inactive pepsin gets activated by the reflux of the digestive juices present in the stomach. Peptic ulcers could get worsened by the consumption of lemon.

Nausea and vomiting:

Loaded with vitamin C, lemon juice could even result in nausea and vomiting in some persons when they consume it in excess.   

Frequent urination, dehydration etc:

It is said that lemon juice could act as diuretic and could increase our urine output. This might even lead to issues like dehydration due to frequent urination. Intake of lemon juice could lead to electrolytes loss plus sodium loss causing dehydration.

Excess iron content:

Iron absorption in our body is increased by the vitamin C is known. The blood levels of iron are increased by too much intake of lemon juice or lemon.