Kumari Palany & Co

Govt Dept of Health releases guidelines to prevent summer season complaints

Posted on: 05/Apr/2019 11:15:20 AM
The TamilNadu State Government Department of Health has released the guidelines to prevent being affected by the summer season diseases.

The guideline explains the details of the complains which affect during the summer season, how to prevent them and how to render 1st Aid to the affected persons.

With the intensity of scorching heat picking up in the summer season, several districts of Tamil Nadu have crossed the ‘100 Degrees’ temperature mark most of these days!

The impact of this sizzling heat can cause complaints such as skin diseases, dehydration, chicken pox, dry eye, urination system problems, dizziness, body exhaustion, etc,

In this situation, the guideline released by the state government Department of Health details how to prevent being affected by the above complaints.

The human body is designed to withstand an average temperature of up to 98.6 Degrees. When the environment has a higher temperature, the excess heat from the body is released through perspiration and maintains the expected average body temperature.

However, with excess perspiration, there are chances of the mineral/salt/water content in the body getting reduced. This may lead to several complaints. There are possibilities of being affected by measles or smallpox.

To prevent being affected, one has to drink a lot of water regularly every day. Even when there is no thirst, it is still advisable to take a certain minimum quantity of water as recommended. Instead of hot beverages, one can take rice gruel mixed with buttermilk, tender coconut, buttermilk, salt lemon juice, ORS salt solution, etc.

It is advisable to take items such as cucumber, palm date jelly (nungu), watermelon, etc. Avoid going outside to the maximum extent possible.

In case anyone faints or passes out due to the severe heat impact, administer 1st Aid immediately. Subsequently, take the affected person to the nearest hospital.

For additional information regarding this, the guideline mentions calling tollfree number – 104.