Kumari Palany & Co

Do you know that drinking Lassi could provide us there amazing health benefits?

Posted on: 02/May/2019 10:05:39 AM
Most of us would have consumed a traditional yoghurt based drink. This is called as ‘Lassi’ and the truth is this lassi originated in the Indian subcontinent. Lassi contains many nutrients and vitamins and intake of lassi is tremendous for our health. The point to be noted is lassi is usually consumed during or after the meals.

How to make lassi:

It is very easy to prepare lassi. Yoghurt is mixed with water and a pinch of salt or sugar is added to the combination. To enhance the flavour, dry fruits, herbs etc could also be added.

Various health benefits of lassi intake are

Helps in digestion:

The lactobacillus bacteria present in the lassi could lubricate the intestines plus break down the food, absorb nutrients and aid in the digestion process. By consuming lassi one could avoid formation of acids that could result in heartburns and indigestion etc.

Many stomach issues are avoided:

It is said that the presence of good bacteria in lassi could prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the gut. By the intake of lassi, we could be free from issues like bloating, constipation etc.

Good for bone health:

Lassi is rich in calcium content and by drinking lassi our body gets calcium. It is well known that calcium helps in good bone health. Hence it is essential that we must consume lassi.

Immunity gets boosted:

Our immune system is kept in great shape by the intake of lassi. This is due to the presence of vitamin D and lactic acid in lassi and these could help us in fighting many infections and diseases effectively.

Superb for our skin health:

Similar to our body health, skin health is also very important and in this regard intake of lassi would be superb. Not many know that lassi is an anti-ageing drink. This is because of the presence of lactic acid in lassi that could remove blemishes from the skin. Our skin texture gets better and skin would be young and fresh.

Superb for heart health:

Probiotics present in lassi plays a huge role here. It is revealed that probiotics could lower bad cholesterol and BP and hence our heart health would be superb.

Fights body heat:

Lassi is an amazing drink during the summer season and it could cool us by reducing the body heat. Being rich in electrolytes, lassi could fight dehydration in us. It is said that intake of lassi would keep our body heat in control.