Kumari Palany & Co

These below mentioned details about spongiotic dermatitis would be useful

Posted on: 03/May/2019 9:46:51 AM
How many of us are aware about spongiotic dermatitis issue?

Sometimes our skin would become dry, red, itchy etc and cracks would occur on the skin. This condition is called as ‘Spongiotic Dermatitis’ and is closely associated with another issue known as eczema or atopic dermatitis. A person having this spongiotic dermatitis issue would have fluid build ups develop in the skin and this result in the swelling between the cells of the skin. The important information is this issue could develop in any part of our body.

Reasons for spongiotic dermatitis in us:

There are several reasons why spongiotic dermatitis occurs in us. Spongiotic dermatitis could be due to infection caused by fungus, changes in hormone levels, high stress levels, physical contact with certain chemicals, allergy to certain food/medicines, changes in temperature, excessive sweating etc.

Various symptoms of spongiotic dermatitis issue:

Persons affected with this problem would show many symptoms like skin lesions, scaly patches, reddened skin due to constant scratching, excessive itching, blisters etc.

Diagnosis of spongiotic dermatitis:

It is revealed that the doctor would take certain steps to understand the difference between spongiotic dermatitis and other types of dermatitis. Sometimes by just examining the appearance of the skin, the doctor would be able to get a clear picture but mostly accurate methods like biopsy are followed. In this biopsy, doctor would remove a small sample of skin and it would be sent to lab for test. In 3 different ways, the skin biopsy would be conducted. The 3 ways are excisional biopsy, shave biopsy and punch biopsy. It must be noted that the results of these would be out in few days to few weeks of time.

In patch test, the doctor would apply a small amount of irritant to know about the type of infection. The skin under the patch would be checked by the doctor so that any allergic reaction to the irritant could be known.

Treatment of spongiotic dermatitis:

The treatment of this issue aims at managing the symptoms that are associated with this spongiotic dermatitis issue. Application of topical calcinurin inhibitors would play a huge role in the control of inflammation in the flare ups. Intake of non-drowsy anti-histamines could relieve the symptoms of allergy. It must be noted that the intake of prescribed oral steroids could help in relieving the symptoms during flare ups. The treatment for spongiotic dermatitis would also involve undergoing UV light treatment or phytotherapy.