Kumari Palany & Co

Do not consume these foods that could harm the liver and increase hepatitis risk

Posted on: 29/Jul/2019 10:27:30 AM
It is known that 28th July is World Hepatitis Day. This article would throw light on various foods that must be avoided by us so that we could be free from the liver issues and prevent hepatitis in us.

Just like our brain, heart, kidney etc, liver is very important organ present in us and this liver detoxifies metabolites, synthesises proteins. Not only that, liver also plays an important role in the digestion of food.

In some persons, liver tissue becomes inflamed due to certain reasons and this is termed as hepatitis. It is interesting to note that some persons would not have any symptoms at all but others have symptoms like yellow skin/eyes, poor appetite, vomiting, tiredness etc. Point is hepatitis could be temporary or it could be present for longer duration of time.

Please avoid these foods for liver health to be good and for preventing hepatitis.

Avoid taking sugary foods:
This is one important food that must be avoided for the liver health to be good and to lower the risk of getting hepatitis. It is said that intake of refined sugar from deserts and sugary foods could result in the build up of fatty liver in us. In the end, fatty liver disease could occur.

Avoid intake of herbal supplements:
Not many know that intake of herbal supplements could damage the liver. Doctor must be consulted before one consumes herbal supplement.

Avoid aerated drinks:
It is unimaginable how intake of aerated drinks could harm us.  It is revealed that by consuming these aerated drinks regularly a person would get poor liver health and NAFLD.

Avoid trans- fats:
Trans-fats present in the junk foods and deep fried foods harm our liver. The point is we could gain more weight and we could get fatty liver disease etc if we consume foods that are rich in trans-fats.