Kumari Palany & Co

These are the indications of menopause every woman must know

Posted on: 23/Sep/2019 10:08:24 AM
Just similar to woman reaching puberty, menopause is another stage every woman in this world has to experience. It must be noted that the menopause stage signals the end of the reproductive period. The reason for this is ovary of woman does not release egg and it is a natural process in the life of a woman.

Information to be noted is woman usually experience menopause stage in their late 40`s or in their early 50`s. It is important to mention that a woman would experience signs or symptoms of menopause a few months or even a year before her final period.

These are few signs of menopause every woman must know.

Irregular menstrual cycle:
It must be taken into account that the menstrual cycle would show major changes in the menopause stage. Women might get periods very often or less often accompanied by unusual bleeding. The bleeding could last for long time duration or for short time. There is reduction in the levels of estrogen.

Dryness of vagina:
When a woman age, her estrogen levels reduce and this could lead to vaginal dryness. Women would no longer show interest in sex.

Hot flashes and night sweats:
This is one symptom many women experience in their menopause stage. Without any reason, the woman would experience warm or hot flashes inside her. In the menopause stage, women might feel cold also suddenly.

Sleeping pattern improper:
Though improper sleeping could be due to various reasons it is revealed if a women experiences improper sleeping pattern in her late 40`s or in early 50`s then it could be due the menopause.

Hair gets thinned:
It is possible for any woman to lose hairs and it might be due to several issues. Point to be noted is when a woman loses her hairs in her late 40’s then it could be due to menopause also.

Mood fluctuations:
It is said that fluctuations in the mood of a women could also indicate that the woman is having her menopause. It is important to mention that the reduction in the estrogen levels during menopause could result in many changes in the body.