Larger meals are not needed for a pregnant mother but she must eat healthy foods. It is important to mention here that consuming right amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fibres are necessary when a woman is pregnant.
It must not be forgotten that whatever food a mother eats should meet the requirements of her as well her baby inside her womb. Pregnant woman must consume foods like eggs, leafy greens, fishes plus lentils also. It is known that lentils have low glycemic index and high quality carbohydrates in them.
Many nutrients that are present in lentils are protein, fibre, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese etc.
Various health benefits a pregnant woman could get by the intake of lentils are
Prevents anaemia:
It must be noted that during pregnancy body produces more blood to support the baby’s growth. The body might not be able to produce enough number of red blood cells it needs when enough quantities of iron is not taken.
Low risks of birth defects:
The birth defects like spina bifida and anencephaly could be avoided in the new born by the intake of lentils by pregnant mother. It must be noted that the folic acid present in the lentils could prevent the above said defects. Homocysteine levels in pregnant mothers would be maintained by the folic acid.
High BP is reduced:
Proper blood circulation and stabilization of BP are possible by potassium present in the lentils. It is worthy to mention that some pregnant mothers have high BP and as a result the mother could get heart disease, stroke etc.
Migraine gets lowered:
The changes in the hormones in the body of a pregnant woman cause migraines in her. The vitamin B in lentils could help the pregnant mothers to fight the migraine and migraine would get reduced.
Constipation is avoided:
The point is intake of lentils would help a pregnant woman to avoid constipation issue that is common in them. It is said that the fibres present in lentils help in smooth bowel movements. In additional to this, intestinal tract disorders in pregnant women is also prevented.