We all sweat isn’t it!! There is nobody in this world who could say that he or she doesn’t sweat at all.
Some people sweat more than the others and they face lots of embarrassment. It is said that sweat is a body’s natural reaction when it exerts or when it is hot. This excess sweating is also known by the term ‘Hyperhidrosis’ and it could indicate issues like thyroid, diabetes hypertension etc in us.
A person who has this excess sweating issue or hyperhidrosis could get relief from this issue by these home remedies. The remedies are
By using lemon:
Lemon is available in every household. The presence of citric acid in the lemons plays an important role here. Information is this citric acid could act as a natural deodorant and could give a pleasant fragrance. Here, one-half lemons are taken and the juice is squeezed under the arms. It is allowed to stand for half-hour and then washed with water.
By using vinegar and apple cider vinegar:
The sweating process could be controlled by the astringent property of vinegar. The pH level of the body is balanced. Two spoons of vinegar are taken and this is combined with one spoon of apple cider vinegar and applied underarms.
By using potato:
It is amazing to mention that potato could also be used to treat excessive sweating in us. It is important to note that the potato has got the ability to absorb excess water from the body. Hence it serves as an antiperspirant and as a blocking agent. Here, potato slices are cut and rubbed on the areas where sweating is more.
By using baking soda:
It must be taken into account that there are certain acids present in the sweat that produces bad smell. When baking soda is used, the alkaline nature of it counteracts with the acids present in sweat and lowers pH of the sweating body parts. Apart from the perspiration getting reduced, baking soda also helps us to get rid of the body odour. It is revealed that dusting baking soda on the body parts that sweat is an effortless remedy.