In the life of a woman her body undergoes both physical as well as hormonal changes.
Girls attain puberty around 10 to 12 years of age and they get periods or menstrual cycle every month. It must be noted that the end of the menstrual cycle is indicated by the menopause stage. Menopause is inevitable and it occurs in the late 40s or sometimes in the early 50’s.
Some women get their menopause a little early that is between 40 to 45 years of age and this is called as premature menopause. These women show many symptoms like irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats and fluctuations in mood etc.
It is worthy to note that early menopause could be due to many factors like ageing, family history, genetic disorders etc.
Various health complications of early menopause are
Infertility in women:
It is revealed that women with early menopause become infertile as their monthly periods would be stopped.
High risk of getting heart diseases:
It has been brought out by some research study that those women who get their menopause before the age of 50 have got more risk of getting heart diseases. The shocking piece of information is women who get their menopause between 40 and 45 have 40% more chances of heart diseases.
Mental health issues:
This is also one health complication a woman could get if she got menopause earlier than normal. The point is these women might get affected by anxiety and depression.
Stress is more:
It is said that women who get their menopause early would experience more stress and other stress based issues also.
High risk of osteoporosis:
Important piece of information is early menopause in women could lead to more risk of getting osteoporosis issue or bone loss. It is revealed that low estrogen levels during menopause could lead to osteoporosis and more incidents of bone fractures.