Kumari Palany & Co

Consuming these superfoods would help us to control cholesterol in us

Posted on: 20/Nov/2019 5:20:40 PM
A molecule present in animal cells and in body fluids is cholesterol. It is fatty substance or lipid and it plays a role in the functioning of our body.

Many these days have high cholesterol in them and these people are highly prone to many heart diseases. The persons who have high cholesterol in them might not show any symptoms but when unchecked for a long time these persons could get affected by issues like strokes, heart attacks etc. It must be noted that cholesterol has a tendency to build upon the walls of our arteries. There are a few foods that could help us to get rid of or control cholesterol in us.

These foods are

Fruits intake:

Seasonal fruits must be included in the balanced diet and fruits are superb for our health. The point is fruits are low in saturated fats and rich in healthy minerals and vitamins. The presence of fibres in the fruits could help us to keep cholesterol levels in control. It is important that we must consume whole fruits and not fruit juices so that the fibre content is retained.

Soya foods intake:

Low in saturated fats, soya foods play a role of natural cholesterol reducer in us. Information is the protein content in soya foods could also help us in controlling cholesterol levels. The superb point here is when a person consumes 15 g of soya foods then the cholesterol could get lowered by 6 percent.

Vegetable intake:

For keeping cholesterol levels in control it is important that we must consume vegetables like peas, broccoli, sweet potatoes etc.

Oats intake:

A type of cereal grain is oats and they have both soluble as well as insoluble fibres in them. It is a must to consume oats for a well balanced and healthy diet. By consuming oats it is possible for us to keep the cholesterol levels in control.

Nuts intake:

The presence of unsaturated fats in the nuts could help in preventing cardiovascular diseases in us. Hence it is important to consume nuts for our health to be good. By consuming nuts we could control the cholesterol levels effectively. Examples are walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds etc