Sedentary lifestyle has its side effects and many of us are not aware of those. It was mentioned by WHO that sedentary lifestyle is the underlying reason for death, disease and disability. Lack of physical activity is a major concern and many deaths take place due to lack of physical activity.
The digestive issues in us could also be due to this sedentary lifestyle and sitting too long at one particular place without any movement could result in few issues.
By these tips, it is possible to avoid various digestive issues that are got by sitting all the day or sedentary lifestyle.
By avoiding unhealthy diet and snacks:
This is an important tip and must be followed without fail to avoid digestive issues. It is necessary that we must have a healthy diet and snacks. Fibre rich food and snacks would be superb as it would keep us full for a long time.
By going for short walk in between:
Many of us don’t move and sit continuously for a long time at one place. This must be avoided. It is important that we must go for a short walk in between.
By beginning the day with exercise:
For our overall health to be good, it is necessary that we must start the day with some exercise. Walking, jogging, cycling etc in the morning would be good.
By avoiding heavy meal:
Many digestive issues and discomfort occur due to heavy meals and it is important that we must choose small frequent meals instead of heavy meals.