Kumari Palany & Co

Do you know about these foods that would increase the male fertility?

Posted on: 17/Dec/2020 9:19:07 AM
There would be improvement in the sperm quality plus in the overall fertility of the males by eating certain foods. Truth is that a male would be considered to have low sperm count when he has less than 39 million per ejaculation.

It has been shown by some study that by consuming tree nuts could increase the quality of the sperm in just 14 days. Various types of tree nuts are hazelnuts, cashew nuts, almonds walnuts, pistachios and Brazil nuts etc.

Apart from tree nuts there are few other foods that would improve the quality of the sperm plus the male fertility. These important foods are

By consuming pumpkin seeds:
The edible seeds of pumpkin are the pumpkin seeds and these seeds when consumed could be superb in improving the quality of sperms in males. These seeds are flat or asymmetrically oval in shape are well known. These seeds have zinc in them and intake of these seeds would raise the testosterone levels in males. It is known that low testosterone levels could be due to low zincs levels.

By consuming dark chocolate:
The sperm count and semen volume would get doubled by amino acid L arginine that is present in the dark chocolates. Hence by consuming dark chocolates the sperm count and fertility of males would get better.

By consuming pomegranate:
The sperm quality of males would get better by the antioxidants present in the pomegranate fruit. The sexual performances would get improved by the intake of pomegranate juice. The chances of erectile dysfunction would get reduced in males.

By consuming vitamin C fruits:
There would be superb improvement in the sperm mobility plus sperm morphology and sperm count by the intake of oranges rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is also present in other foods like Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, cabbage, etc.

By consuming oysters:
It is true that by consuming oysters the sperm mobility, sperm count etc would increase. The presence of zinc in oysters is responsible for the above. Found in marine or brackish habitats, oysters belong to phylum Mollusca.