Kumari Palany & Co

Please be careful about these foods that could lead to miscarriage in pregnant women

Posted on: 18/Dec/2020 9:21:06 AM
Every married woman would have a desire to become pregnant. Life is unpredictable and sometimes a pregnant woman might get miscarriageand lose her foetus.

Otherwise known as spontaneous abortion, miscarriage results in the loss of foetus before 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is believed that miscarriages take place because the foetus is not developing normally. Important information is that in the weeks from one to six most miscarriages take place. It must be noted that by 12th week the risk of miscarriage would get reduced.

It is important that pregnant women must avoid these foods as they might lead to miscarriages. Various foods to avoid are

The bromelain present in the pineapple softens cervix and this could start untimely labour contractions leading to miscarriage.

Sesame seeds:
A woman might get trouble during early pregnancy if she consumes sesame seeds with honey. So, take care.

Raw eggs:
Intake of raw eggs or foods having raw eggs like homemade mayonnaise etc could lead to miscarriage. 

Unpasteurised milk:
It is important to note that a pregnant woman must avoid drinking raw or unpasteurised milk as it might lead to miscarriage.

Animal liver:
Pregnant women must not consume animal liver as it might have toxins in them especially if the liver is taken from sick animals.

Sprouted potatoes:
This is also one food that a pregnant woman must avoid consuming. The sprouted potatoes might have toxins in them and it might harm both mother as well as the foetus.

Green papaya:
The green papaya has got an enzyme that could cause uterine contractions. Hence the pregnant woman must not eat green papaya at any cost.

Aloe vera:
The anthraquinones present in aloe vera could induce uterine contractions and pelvic bleeding etc. So, pregnant women must avoid eating aloe vera.

It is said that drum sticks have alpha sitosterol that could lead to miscarriages in the pregnant woman. Intake of the drumstick must be avoided and take care.

Mercury rich fishes:
Fishes like e mackerel, swordfish, tile fish etc would have mercury content in them. So, intake of these fishes must be avoided strictly by the pregnant woman.