Kumari Palany & Co

Benefits of taking a single carrot a day!

Posted on: 24/Dec/2020 12:20:21 PM
Carrot is one f the important items which give health the body and beauty and lustre the skin. Carrot is rich in Vitamin ‘A’, which has the property protect the eyes. Carrot is among the food items which provide a cooling effect to the human body.

The habit of taking a raw carrot every day in the morning after waking up reduces the body heat and enhances skin protection. It also reduces body fatigue. As carrot has lesser calories, carrot also reduces body weight.

  • Carrot is an excellent medicine for skin protection. 
  • The persons who cannot eat raw carrot can make a juice and take.
  • Carrot is rich in fibre and potassium and thus provides the body with the required energy level. 
  • Persons interested in reducing bodyweight can take carrot juice mixed with a little ginger juice. Carrot contains beta-carotene which reduces the body fat.
  • Carrot also has the property to cure the inflammations in the stomach and the liver.  It also cleanses the blood and the stomach.
  • Carrot also protects from night-blindness. Carrot juice is an excellent cure for the irritation felt while passing urine and kidney-related issues.

So, to get s healthy body and glowing skin, eat at least 1 - carrot a day!