Kumari Palany & Co

Men above 50 years of age must eat these foods without fail

Posted on: 05/Jan/2021 9:31:16 AM
When compared to those in the 20s, men in the 50s have slower metabolisms. This was confirmed by British Nutrition Foundation.  To be in good shape, men might need fewer calories overall.

These days, it is common to see many males in the 50s developing health issues like BP, heart disease, diabetes, prostate cancer etc. The lifestyle and dietary habits play an important role in these issues though they are inevitable. For the sake of maintaining themselves, men in the 50s must opt for healthy eating habits.

Various foods that men above 50 years must include in their diets are

Consumption of fatty fish:
Men above 50 years of age must eat fatty fish like salmon that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. By this, inflammation gets lowered in men. The intake of fatty fish would also slow down the buildup of plaque inside the blood vessels. Good cholesterol levels would get increased.

Consumption of eggs:
For retaining the muscle mass in men above 50 years of age, eating eggs is necessary. It is well known that eggs have plenty of proteins in them. Other nutrients like vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids in eggs would provide many benefits to the men. The choline present in the eggs would regulate genes that are responsible for excess abdominal fat storage.

Consumption of avocados:
The avocados could keep the cholesterol low due to the presence of heart healthy fats in them. Intake of avocados would also lower the blood pressure in men above 50 years of age. Weight loss would be possible by consuming avocados.

Consumption of blueberries etc:
The antioxidant properties of berries play a huge role in fighting cell damage. The risk of getting cancers of skin, lung, breast, bladder etc could be prevented.   

Consumption of almonds and walnuts:
It is said that almonds have healthy fats and proteins in them and consuming almonds would provide many health benefits.  Intake of walnuts would improve the brain functions plus would activate genes to reduce fat storage. It is known that almonds and walnuts are superb sources of dietary fibres. Men in the 50s must eat 6 to 10 almonds and 3 to 5 walnuts every day for their health.

Consumption of beetroots:
Natural chemicals found in beetroot are nitrates and these nitrates would increase endurance, reduce blood pressure etc. The high potassium in beetroots could regulate the blood pressure and could help in flushing out excess salt.