Kumari Palany & Co

Be careful about these foods that might lead to difficulty in the bowel movement

Posted on: 24/Mar/2021 9:32:37 AM
Some people might have difficulty in their bowel movements and passing stools would be difficult and this is called constipation. It must be taken into note that those who have less than 3 bowel movements in a week then medically it is called constipation.

The constipation issue could be seen old aged people, pregnant women, those taking certain medications, those with neurological and digestive disorders etc

A person with constipation would have symptoms like hard and dry stools, severe stomach pain, feeling bloated and nauseous, feeling of incomplete passing of stools, painful to pass stools etc.

The truth is that foods can also increase the constipation issue in us. So, we must be careful in consuming the foods.

These below mentioned foods could lead to constipation

Intake of alcohol:
It is true that by consuming alcohol we could get constipation issues in us. The intake of excess alcohol could increase the amounts of fluid lost through urine. This would lead to dehydration. This would increase constipation.

Intake of gluten foods:
Wheat, barley etc have gluten in them is a known fact. There are many who get constipation issues when they consume gluten based foods. It is believed that those with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity or NGCS and IBS or irritable bowel syndrome etc would experience constipation.

Intake of processed grains:
When compared to whole grains, processed grains like white rice, white bread etc low in fibre content and would lead to constipation issues. Truth is that during processing bran having fibre content and germ part of grain gets removed. It is known that fibre would add bulk to the stools and would help to move along.

Intake of dairy products:
Not many would know that dairy products like milk etc could also lead to constipation issues in some persons. It must be noted that constipation occurs in those who are sensitive to proteins present in the cow’s milk. So, please be careful.

Intake of red meat:
Low in fibre content and rich in fat, red meat could also lead to constipation in us. Care must be taken so that fibre rich foods are not replaced by the red meat.

Intake of fried or fast foods:
Many of us eat fried foods or fast foods. It is said that these foods could lead to constipation problems in us. These foods have low fibre and high fats and they slow down the digestion jujust like red meat.