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Do you know about these side effects of excess consumption of bread?

Posted on: 03/Jul/2021 9:19:22 AM
Many of us eat bread with jams or sauces etc in the morning for breakfast and that’s ok. Truth is that eating bread in excess amounts is not good for the health. Being a good source of carbohydrates, intake of bread would provide us energy. Not many know that bread is high in calories and low in nutrients. Fact is that regular intake of bread could make us gain weight. There are also other side effects of eating too much bread.

Various side effects are

Increased risk of diabetes:

The shocking truth is that bread has lots of sugar and intake of too much bread would increase the blood sugar levels in us. Those with diabetes must stay away from eating bread.

Increased cravings:

It must be taken into account that blood sugar spikes don’t just lead to insulin resistance but also would make us feel hungry. We would eat more then.

Causes depression:

In the post menopausal women, excess consumption of bread could lead to depression. It is said that eating too much bread would put the hormone out of control and due to this there would be fatigue, mood swings etc.

Causes nutritional deficiency:

If we eat lots of bread but give no importance to other healthier foods then we could get nutritional deficiency. We would have symptoms like tooth decay and slow healing of wounds because we would not get other nutrients by eating bread alone.

Causes allergies:

Those who are allergic to wheat would experience disturbing symptoms when they consume lots of bread. Truth is that those with gluten intolerance would have constipation issues, weight loss etc.

Causes celiac disease:

Too much intake of bread could lead to celiac disease. This is an autoimmune disorder that could take place in genetically predisposed persons. Ingestion of gluten could lead to small intestine damage.

Causes irritable bowel syndrome:

The wheat breads have high fructan content and this could cause irritable bowel syndrome or IBS in some persons. Those with digestion issues or IBS must stay away from eating bread.

Increased bad cholesterol:

Our bad cholesterol levels would become more if we consume whole wheat bread in excess. This could further lead to heart disease. .

Causes bread addiction:

This is also one side effect of excess intake of bread. It has been brought to light by some research that the gluten in bread could stimulate the brain`s optical receptors. This could lead to anxiety.

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