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Is it healthy to take bananas in the night?!

Posted on: 03/Jul/2021 11:53:44 AM
Banana offers rich nutrients to the human body. Banana contains iron which resists and fights against anaemic conditions. Banana also, help check and maintain the body weight.

However, as per the Ayurvedic medicinal system, it is not advisable to take bananas at night! The ayurvedic medicinal system suggests that taking bananas in the night increase the cold phlegm.

Banana is rich in Potassium which helps strengthen the fatigued tissues in the body! So, it is better to take 1 or 2 bananas in the evenings. This would help for a sound sleep in the night.

The potassium in bananas also helps prevent the nerves in the nervous system from getting stiff!

Medicinal research has established that a regular intake of bananas will ensure positive developments in mental conditions!

Excellent benefits of the intake of bananas:

·        A banana contains 105 calories. Persons who are particular about eating less than 500 calories can thus take 2 bananas and a cup of milk!

·        Those who take spicy food in the dinner can better take a banana to cure the chest irritations and ulcerous stomach.

·        Banana contains vitamins and fibre which enhances body health!

·        However, persons with complaints of asthma, sinus or cold can BETTER AVOID INTAKE OF BANANAS!

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