Kumari Palany & Co

Did you know that your cholesterol levels could be kept in control by drinking these?

Posted on: 07/Sep/2021 9:52:37 AM
Keeping cholesterol levels in control are directly related to longer healthier lives!!

In the blood cells of our body is present cholesterol or fat or waxy like substance and it plays a role in the formation of cells, tissues etc. It is well known that cholesterol is of 2 types namely good cholesterol or HDL and bad cholesterol or LDL. When there is an increase in the bad cholesterol or LDL levels in us, then we might get heart attacks etc.

By consuming fibre based foods, reducing saturated fats intake plus reducing trans- fat foods etc it would be possible to keep the cholesterol levels in control.

There are few drinks that could be consumed to keep the cholesterol levels in control and these are

Drinking green tea:
Many drink green tea these days. It is full of antioxidants is a well known fact. By drinking green tea, our bad cholesterol levels would get reduced.

Drinking tomato juice:
It is true that the lycopene, an antioxidant present in tomatoes, would help to protect cell damage. Not many are aware of the fact that by processing tomatoes lycopene content would get increased. Niacin plus cholesterol reducing fibres are also present in the tomatoes.

Drinking soy milk:
Low levels of saturated fats are present in soy milk. Our cholesterol levels could be brought under control or managed if we replace high fat milk with soy milk.

Drinking oat milk:
Our cholesterol levels could be managed by consuming oat milk also. The cholesterol absorption gets reduced due to the interaction between beta glucans (present in oat milk) and bile salts. Gel like layer is formed and this would help in reduced cholesterol absorption.

Drinking berries smoothies:
There are antioxidants and fibres present in berries like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries etc. The antioxidants would help in managing the cholesterol levels in us. It is revealed that handful of berries with low fat milk as shake would lower the cholesterol levels

Drinking cocoa:
The antioxidant flavanol present in cocoa would reduce the bad cholesterol in us. Chocolates have cocoa as the main ingredient is known. It is said that intake of processed chocolates must be avoided due to the presence of high levels of saturated fats in them.

Drinking plant based smoothies:
Our cholesterol levels could be managed if we consume smootothies having ingredients lie kale, pumpkins etc.  Plant smoothies could be made by mixing these ingredients in oat milk. This would ensure that there are fewer saturated fats responsible for irregular cholesterol levels in us.

Drinking stanols and sterols:
It is believed that we must consume stanols and sterols daily to manage our cholesterol levels. It is important to note that stanols and sterols are plant chemicals that are similar to cholesterol in sizes and shapes.