Kumari Palany & Co

Certain aspects to be avoided for the prevention of wrinkles on the skin

Posted on: 16/Sep/2021 1:15:26 PM
Ultra-violet rays from the sun are considered to be among the most prominent reasons for `aged look` even when young! `Sunscreens` maybe used to protect from this issue.

Wrinkles formed on the skin are the main reasons for the aged looks.

Intake of items rich in Omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent wrinkle formation on the skin!

Most of us are really keen to look young! If so, avoid using straws while taking cool drinks, juices, etc.

When taking drinks through a straw, it affects the lines around the lips. Wrinkles will start appearing on the face as well!

In a similar vein, persons who have the habit of smoking will be affected by the rather early and quick formation of wrinkles on the skin.

One needs to avoid strongly pressing the face on the pillow while lying on the bed. This habit will inevitably lead to the formation of wrinkles on the skin!

Lying flat on the back is the best posture for sleeping! It is wrong to work on laptops with bent spines! This will certainly affect the bones and tissues! This may lead to other issues such as pain and fatigue!
Ultra-violet rays from the sun are the main reason attributed for the `aged look`! Sunscreens can be used to protect the skin from the sun’s ultra-violet rays. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid applying sunscreen daily! It is just sufficient to apply sunscreen only when venturing out or while the sun is really scorching!

It is also not advisable to sit close to the fire lit for warmth during the winter season!  As the heat is artificially created, it will tend to dry the skin as well as hair! Only moderate heat is ideal for the skin!

In case a hair-dryer is being used for drying hair after a bath, remember to keep a space of at least 6” (6 inches) between the hair and the dryer!  Otherwise, the hair will get affected! It may even quickly lead to the dreaded ‘aged look’!

Also, avoid intake of excess sugar in the snack items, sweets and food items consumed!

Avoid the habit of watching TV in a sitting posture for long hours! Get into the habit of taking a short walk every half-an-hour while sitting thus!

Ensure a daily good sound sleep at least for 7 hours! Shortage of sleep will lead to fatigue as well as reduce one’s life as well!

Mental tension is another factor that leads to that dreaded `aged look`