Every parent takes care of their kids very well and inspite of this the kids fall sick.
It is important to mention that the kids become sick mostly in the winter season or in the monsoon season. It is often said that the kids lack hygiene and hence they fall sick. In these 2 seasons, it is the duty of every parent to know what their kid is eating. Fact is that the intake of foods determines how the body behaves.
Parents must follow these for the sake of their kid’s health during winters or monsoons.
Restrict intake of oily, fried foods:
Almost all kids love to eat deep fried foods. In the winter and monsoon seasons, parents must restrict the intake of French fries, chicken wings, and certain homemade snacks also. These foods could make the kids fall sick. It is worthy to note that these foods are prepared by using oils extracted from animal products leading to thickening of mucus and saliva. These foods could also create digestive problems for the kids in the winters or in the monsoons seasons.
Avoid foods that reduce the immunity:
Foods such as mayonnaise when eaten in the winters or in the monsoon season could reduce the immunity of the kid. Truth is that during the winter season intake of mayonnaise could induce the production of mucus. The child could face issues in swallowing. Fighting capacities against allergies etc get reduced for the kids. Parents must make sure that they don’t give dairy products like cheese, frozen items etc to their kids.
Avoid candies, fruits and raw vegetables etc:
Irrespective of the season, candies, ice lollies, processed drinks etc are harmful for the children. It is believed that by eating sugary items the kid`s white blood cells would get reduced in the kids. By this, the kid would not be able to fight allergies and infections. In the winter and monsoon seasons, parents must also avoid giving raw vegetables and fruits to their kids.
Various food substitutes that could be given to kids during winter and monsoon seasons are
Parents could make ice lollies at home if their kids want it. Instead of mayonnaise, the kids could be provided avocado paste. Kids could be given dal for the sake of their energies and proteins. It must be taken into note that in the winters and in the monsoon season kids could be given beetroot juice, dry fruits, homemade juices etc.