Kumari Palany & Co

Never make these mistakes while drinking water, it could harm your health!!

Posted on: 13/Nov/2021 9:47:37 AM
If you have been drinking water all these days while standing and gulping, you must be careful hereafter!!

For smooth functioning of our bodily systems, it is necessary that we must drink water. Point here is that similar to other nutrients, water is also necessary for survival of a person. It is said that we must drink atleast 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to keep us hydrated.

Various benefits of drinking daily the above said quantities of water are increase in the energy levels and relieving of fatigue. Promotes weight loss, toxins get flushed out, skin complexion gets better, kidney stones etc get avoided, dehydration headaches gets avoided, better bowel movements etc.

Most of us feel that just drinking water is sufficient. We do not think much about various mistakes we make while drinking water. Mistakes while drinking water could lead to issues in us. So please take care.

Common mistakes we do while drinking water are

Standing and drinking water:
One of the most common mistakes is that we drink water while standing. This must not be done. Our nerves could become tense if we drink water while standing. The fluid balance in us would get disturbed and we could have indigestion issues. It is clear from Ayurveda that drinking water while standing would make the water go to the lower part of the stomach and we would not get the nutrients.

Drinking water quickly:
Many times, we drink water very fast due to thirstiness or due to lack of time. Point is that drinking water quickly could lead to impurities in the kidney and bladder accumulating below. It is important that we drink water slowly by sipping.

Drinking more water than required:
Not only with other drinks, even with water also too much intake is not advised. Truth is that intake of too much water might result in hyponatremia in us. The sodium levels would become too low and it would lead to brain swelling, seizures and coma etc.

Drinking water before meals:
It has been mentioned by many weight loss diets that by drinking water before meals we would consume less meals and fewer calories. But according to Ayurveda it is wrong and a person’s stomach must be filled with 50% food, 25% water and 25 % must be left empty. This would help in digestion. By drinking water just before eating meals, we could be deprived of nutrients and digestion would get disrupted. We could also get issues like nausea and constipation etc.

Drinking water with artificial sweeteners:
A person could put on weight byby consuming artificial sweeteners. When a person drinks water having artificial sweeteners then he or she might get dehydrated. It is said that drinking simple plain water would be good.