Kumari Palany & Co

Be aware about these signs of heart attack that are revealed by our various body parts!!

Posted on: 19/Nov/2021 9:49:53 AM
The shocking truth is that in the year 2019 17.9 million people have died due to heart attacks and that was 32% of all global deaths. This was according to the World Health organisation or WHO. It is important to mention that heart attack is one of the major health concerns across the world now.  Many young people have been getting heart attacks ever since the Coronavirus pandemic started in 2020.

Increase in heart attacks could be due to various factors like poor lifestyle choices, unhealthy eating and over exercising etc. When blood flow decreases or stops to the coronary artery of the heart leading to heart muscle damage, then we could get heart attack or myocardial infarction.

It must be noted that whenever a person gets heart attack or cardiac arrest then he or she must be given CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Persons with heart attack must be treated immediately or else it could lead to death.

Not many of us are aware of the fact that our various body parts could reveal a heart attack.

Chest pain:
Having discomfort in the chest is one of the most common signs of heart attack. When a person gets a heart attack then he or she could feel uncomfortable pressure, squeezing and pain in the chest. This pain could be there for more than a few minutes and the doctor must be consulted immediately.

Warning signs of heart attack could appear on the back also especially in women. Truth is that women mostly complain of back pain during heart attack or before getting a heart attack.

Most of us would associate pain in the jaws to some muscle disorder or toothache etc. When the jaw pain occurs on the left side of the face especially in women it could be a sign of heart attack. Never hesitate to consult a doctor whenever there is jaw pain along with chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating etc.

When a blood clot blocks blood flow into the heart muscle then a person could get a heart attack. In the beginning, the pain would be there in the chest and after sometime it might go to the neck also.

Beginning from the chest, when the pain travels to the neck, jaw, shoulders then it could be due to heart attack. Heart attack could be indicated by crushing pain in the shoulder especially when the pain radiates from chest to left jaw, arm or neck etc.

Left arm:
Sign of heart attack is also shown by the pain in the left arm and it occurs when the blood flow to the heart gets blocked. . Most signs of ageing are shown by mild pain in the left arm but when there is severe pain then it could be due to heart attack.