Kumari Palany & Co

Your excessive farting and burping could be because of these reasons!!

Posted on: 23/Mar/2022 9:57:34 AM
Natural part of our digestive cycle is farting and it is obvious that we all fart. Same is the case with burping too. It is true that we would find it highly embarrassing when we fart and burp in front of others. Till some point it would be possible to hold farting and burping but not totally. It is noteworthy that gas inside us would make us fart. The presence of excess gas in us could be attributed to factors like air that we swallow and by the breaking down of undigested food by bacteria present in our large intestines.

There are various reasons why some people fart and burp more than the others. 

Eating lots of fibre rich foods:

The food we consume could be a major reason for farting and burping excessively. There are certain foods that might be good for someone but for others it might lead to gas. To overcome constipation, fibre rich foods are consumed but it could also lead to excess gas formation in us. Fibrous foods are not fully digested in small intestines. In the large intestines, the bacteria that would break down fibre rich foods would produce gas.

Food sensitivity:

Sensitivity towards certain foods would increase as we grow older. Many elderly persons find it difficult to digest milk products etc. There are possibilities of getting issues like bloating, abdominal cramps etc when a person is lactose intolerant or sensitive. It is true that for some people eating carbohydrates could cause gas etc.

Consuming excess sugar substitutes:

Our digestive tract would not be able to digest sorbitol, mannitol etc and they would move through the stomach to the colon. Bacteria present in the gut would feed on the sorbitol, mannitol and other sugar alcohols etc. Gas is produced when the bacteria consumes artificial sweeteners.

Swallowing too much air:

There are also chances that we could fart and burp when we swallow too much air. The ingested air would get accumulated in our oesophagus. It is believed that anything we do that would lead us to swallow too much air could lead to farting and burping. Not many would be aware of the fact that chewing gum or by eating candies or breathing through mouth instead of nose.

Frequent consumption of fizzy drinks:

Many of us drink sodas, carbonated beverages etc having tiny air bubbles that would go directly into the stomach. These bubbles come out as farts from intestines or bubbles might go up creating burping.

Eating food quickly:

With lack of time at our disposal or for other reasons etc, many of us eat foods quickly. It is worthy to note that large fatty foods would take a longer time to digest and they would be present in the gut and would build up more gas. This long digestion would give us the feeling of bloating and gassiness.  It is true that when we eat fast then we would have some air also and this would increase the gas.

No post meal walking or stretching:

For the digestive tract to be good it is necessary that we must do some physical activity. Majority of us after eating a delicious meal would just sit and relax and not go for a short walk etc. This might t lead to farting and burping etc. Instead of walking, we could do some stretches also for the sake of better digestion of foods. 

Having stress and anxiety issues:

Truth is that aerophagia or swallowing air while anxious could also lead to more gas in us. It is believed that the amount of air a person would swallow would be minimal unless he or she has more anxiety.