Kumari Palany & Co

Every woman must avoid these foods that can worsen her period cramps

Posted on: 22/Jul/2022 5:20:53 PM
Women would get periods or menstrual cycles or menstruation every month and it would reveal that she is healthy. Normally, the periods would start at the age of around 12 and it would continue till late 40s. During her periods, a woman would get symptoms like severe abdominal pain, bloating, mood swings and fatigue etc. Women must not eat all the foods that are available during the periods because some foods could worsen her abdominal cramps issue.  

Various foods a woman must not eat during her periods that would worsen her abdominal cramps are

Avoid excess coffee intake:
It is important to cut on coffee intake so that the periods do not become painful. It is good to drink one cup of coffee every day and not more than that as excess intake would lead to vasoconstriction of blood vessels. This would make the pain worsen during the periods. Discomfort and bloating would also get increased by excess intake of coffee.

Avoid refined carbs and sugar intake:
Truth is that the blood sugar levels would fluctuate more during the periods and by consuming more sugars a woman would get intense cramps also. Sugar could lead to sudden increase and drop drastically. By consuming refined carbohydrates, sodium and water would get retained in the body and this would result in bloating and mood swings etc.

Avoid dairy intake:
Too much consumption of dairy products would lead to severe cramping during periods. Inflammation would become more when a woman consumes dairy products during her periods.Dairy products have arachidonic acid and this would increase the inflammation.

Avoid fatty foods intake:
Uterus present in the woman would contract when a woman consumes fatty foods. Truth is that fatty foods would increase the number of prostaglandins in the body and this would lead to uterine contractions. This uterus contraction would further result in severe cramps.

Avoid processed foods intake:
Menstruating women must not consume processed foods as these foods would make her cramps more intense. It must be noted that trans- fats or hydrogenated fats that are added to the processed foods would lead to inflammation. It is better for the menstruating woman to eat whole foods, lean proteins, fruits etc to be free from complicated period symptoms.

Avoid salty food intake:
Women must not eat foods that are rich in sodium content or high salty foods during her periods. Point is that these foods would make bloating and water retention in the body worse. It is important not to eat chips and French fries etc during periods.

Avoid chocolate intake:
Many women crave chocolate during periods and it is normal. It is noteworthy that by intake of chocolates during periods the prostaglandin levels would become more and this would lead to severe cramping.