Kumari Palany & Co

Do you know about these important reasons for vitamin D deficiency?

Posted on: 26/Jul/2022 10:24:23 AM
How often do you stand in the early morning sunlight to get enough vitamin D?? 

This article would reveal the importance of sunlight etc for getting the much needed vitamin D.

There are many people across the world now deficient in vitamin D. It could be due to the lesser availability of sources containing this vitamin or it could be due to insufficient sunlight etc.

It must be noted that exposure to sunlight before 8am in the morning can be superb to get enough vitamin D. Truth is that the lockdown along with hectic work schedule etc have led to many not getting exposure to the sun. There are many issues we could get due to insufficient or low levels of vitamin D. These issues are osteoporosis, fractures, rickets etc. 

Many researchers have been busy in finding the relation between vitamin D with health issues like diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and autoimmune diseases etc.  Apart from the sunlight, a person can get enough vitamin D for their health from sources such as soymilk, fatty fish, egg, cheese etc.

Various important reasons for low levels of vitamin D in a person are

Lack of exposure to sunlight:
As the skin would need sunlight to manufacture vitamin D it is necessary that we must expose ourselves compulsorily to the morning sunlight. It is noteworthy that sunrays UVB rays would interact with the 7 DHC in the skin to produce vitamin D3 or a form of vitamin D.

Low magnesium:
It is believed that magnesium plays a huge role in activation of vitamin D. This would in turn regulate calcium and phosphorus homeostasis to influence the growth and maintenance of bones etc.

Presence of excess body fat:
The truth is that obesity can also lead to deficiency of vitamin D. Obese persons have 50perecdent less bioactive vitamin D in them. So please be careful regarding the body weight.

Low boron:
Half life of active vitamin D would become more by the presence of Boron and boron works alongside vitamin D. It is true that boron as a co-worker of vitamin D would support bone health.

Low vitamin K:
Point to be noted here is that vitamin K would enhance the effect of vitamin D on bone mineralisation.

Not consuming enough vitamin D foods:
Foods like eggs, fish, spinach, cheese, okra etc are rich in vitamin D and not consuming enough o of these foods would lead to vitamin D deficiency in us.