Kumari Palany & Co

Are you 30 plus and want to lose your excess weight then avoid these mistakes!!

Posted on: 01/Sep/2022 6:53:12 PM
No matter whatever your age, trying to lose excess body weight is always a slow process. Once after reaching 30s, if a person wants to lose his or her excess body weight, then the person might not be successful in the weight loss process also because of the fact that their metabolism would have slowed down. Having excess weight would lead to humiliation etc from others and it would affect the self confidence of an individual.

Overweight persons try various ways of shedding their weight is known. There are also many health issues a person could get due to excess body weight and these are high BP, high triglycerides levels,, type-2 diabetes and coronary heart diseases etc. Many above the age of 30 do certain mistakes in their weight loss process and would not find success in weight loss.

These mistakes must be avoided by those above 30 for their weight loss to be successful.

By not eating the required calories:
Point is that losing weight does not mean starving. For weight loss, a calorie deficit would be needed and more calories would be required to be burnt than consumed for the weight loss. It is good to eat those foods that are not high in calories. By doing this, it would be easy to shed extra calories by doing exercises.

By not doing exercises or workouts etc:
For a healthy weight loss, a person must exercise regularly. Truth is that a person cannot starve and lose excess weight without harming. To lose muscle mass, it is required to do workouts every day. By this both metabolism as well as digestion would get strengthened.

By consuming a low fat diet:
It is true that a low fat diet or foods are not good for the health and a person would not be able to lose excess weight above the age of 30. It is noteworthy that these diet foods are packed with oils and unhealthy sugars to improve the taste.  

By ignoring protein diet:
It is essntial to eat a well balanced food for the sake of getting all the nutrients. It would not be possible for a person to lose weight by avoiding intake of proteins. By eating foods with protein, a person would have reduced appetite, feel full for a long time, protect muscle mass and increase metabolic rate etc.

By concentrating on weight loss only:
It must be noted that losing weight does not mean shedding kilos. It has been revealed by the doctors that weight is influenced by many things such as the amount of water that is stored by the body etc. When water gets retained by the body then it would increase the body weight.