Kumari Palany & Co

Why consuming spicy foods would be good for our health?

Posted on: 02/Sep/2022 5:34:29 PM
We all eat spicy foods don`t we?

These foods are very delicious for our taste buds inspite of being hot and spicy. It must be noted that spiciness refers to the burning sensation on the pain receptors of the tongue. Truth is that when spicy foods are exposed to other parts of our body then similar sensations might be caused like those produced in the mouth. Capsaicin is the chemical substance that is responsible for burning sensations when we eat spicy foods. It is good to eat spicy foods in limited amounts but excessive intake could lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea etc.

Various health benefits of consuming spicy foods are

Prevents obesity:
It is true that when we eat foods having capsaicin then we would not feel hungry. As a result, the number of calories and fat intake would get lowered. By eating spicy foods, there would be more energy expenditure and fat tissue oxidation. By this, weight gain would not be there. Our metabolic resting rate would be increased by intake of spices such as cumin, cinnamon, peppers, chillies etc. Appetite would get lowered.

Prevents the development of cancer:
The cancer cells would get destroyed by capsaicin and growth would get inhibited. It is well known that cancer is one of the leading causes for death in humans.

Good relief for cold:
It is believed that eating spicy foods would help relieve breathing during colds, respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, asthma etc. It would be easier to expel phlegm when it becomes looser. It must be taken into account that capsaicin in the oral cavity and throat would lead to fluids to flow.

Calms down stomach pain:
When a person has stomach pain then it would be good to eat spicy foods. It has been brought out by researchers that marijuana and chilli peppers interact with the same receptors in the stomach to calm irritable bowels. Intestines plus oesophagus, stomach and pancreas etc would get calmed down by the immune system and this would be done by anandamide. Inflammation would be avoided.

Might increase longevity:
It was revealed by a research study that consuming spicy foods for 6 to 7 days per week would lower the mortality rate by 14%.

Eases congestion:
This is one common benefit of eating spicy foods. Sinus congestion would get eased and clogged nasal passages would get relieved. By increasing the body temperature, spicy foods like pepper etc would fight fever and relieve flu symptoms.