Kumari Palany & Co

How do our body parts warn us if we have high blood sugar levels??

Posted on: 12/Aug/2023 9:18:14 AM
More than 100 millions in India have diabetes or high blood sugar levels in them. This has been confirmed by a study from ICMR. It has been revealed by another study that in the year 2050, about 1.31 billion people would get affected by diabetes. Yes, shocking but true!!

There is a lack of awareness now amongst people regarding diabetes and many of us lead an unhealthy lifestyle. These 2 factors have resulted in the spreading of diabetes at an alarming rate.

Our body parts would warn us if we have high blood sugar levels in us.


It is known that skin is the largest organ in our body and skin of those having high blood sugar levels would show subtle changes. The person would have dry and itchy skin due to dehydration due to frequent urination. The body folds would show dark and thickened patches and it would indicate insulin resistance which is a precursor to diabetes.


Those with high blood sugar levels in them would have a condition called diabetic retinopathy in them. The blood vessel in the retina would get damaged and he or she would not have a proper vision. There would be blurred or fluctuating vision, issues in focussing etc.

Feet and lungs:

The persons with high blood sugar would have their feet and legs affected also and this could be due to nerve damage or neuropathy and poor blood circulation etc. The persons with this would have tingling sensation, numbness etc. It is noteworthy that reduced blood flow would lead to diabetic foot ulcers etc.


The functioning of kidneys would get affected badly when the blood sugar levels are not controlled. The person would get affected by diabetic nephropathy. There are few signs of kidney impairment like frequent urination,  swollen ankles, persistent high BP etc.

Heart and CV health:

Heart is a very important organ in us and those with high blood sugar levels would have more chances of getting cardiovascular diseases. Point is that diabetes related risk factors like obesity and high cholesterol etc would increase the threat of CV diseases. management of diabetes and lifestyle modifications etc would lower the risks.

Mouth and gums:

Those with high blood sugar levels in them would have more chances of getting gum infections or periodontal diseaseses. Various signs are bleeding gums, recession of gums and bad breath etc. It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene.